© Explorer Associates Limited
As CDM Regulations (2015) concentrate the role of safety on site projects, Explorer Associates
Ltd offer a full Principal Contractor role under the regulations. With over 20 years of experience in project management, coupled with safety and environmental management, Explorer Associates is well respected in the field of producing projects on time and to budget, whether the required operations are large or small.
The Company have overseen, and fully managed, projects ranging from complete construction of
distribution warehouses, traffic calming and site training, demolitions of factories and removal
of heavy plant throughout the UK and Europe.
Their safety and engineering advice is sought by auction specialist houses, factory complexes,
transport, coach and logistics operations, manufacturing projects and relocation projects.
Clients include CT Shirts, Aliaxis (Marley), Liquidity Services, Hilco, Troostwijkt, BP Oils and
Chemicals, Grolsch, Randgold mining, Paddington Station, McGee Group, Medical Research
Foundation, Olympic Village to name just a few.